Nideport in Stockholm +50
Nideport was accredited at this event as an Observer at the United Nations Headquarters in New York to lay the groundwork for Stockholm+50, co-chaired by Sweden and Kenya. Nideport has also been accredited for the UN meeting Stockholm+50 -from June 2 to 3- which aims to drive the implementation of the global Sustainable Development Goals and promote a sustainable recovery after the pandemic, due to which the financial gap increased from $2.5 trillion to $4.2 trillion per year.
Claudia Moray from United Nations Headquarters, New York
This year marks 50 years since the 1972 United Nations Conference on the Human Environment, which turned environmental action into an urgent global issue. It catalyzed the concept of sustainable development, the current cornerstone of the multilateral discussion. On that occasion, Maurice Strong, General Secretary of the event, was conclusive that the message that prevailed was “the understanding that man had reached one of those fundamental points in his history where his activities are the main determinants of his future. “. This concept proved visionary to the IPCC 2021 report. Five decades later, we find ourselves at the crossroads of a new collective action. The environmental movement has evolved since then. Through the Rio conferences in 1992 and 2012, we brought the environment closer to the social and development agendas. 2015 saw the integration of all three pillars into the 2030 Agenda. However, the importance of a healthy environment in underpinning current and future development opportunities as well as human well-being is not fully recognized or acted upon 50 years later, “we continue to do more harm than good to nature” (Osama Mahmoud Abdel Khalek Mahmoud of Egypt).
The present finds us with international tensions that add to the triple crisis (the crisis of climate change; the crisis of nature and the loss of biodiversity; and the crisis of pollution and waste) and the COVID-19 pandemic casting a shadow over global debates on sustainable development. Due to this, the event had several delays but finally, it was held in person with strict controls of security and prevention measures, which represents the reason why the respective accreditation was markedly restricted.
The meeting and its preparatory phase were framed around three organizing principles of engagement: intergenerational responsibility, participation and inclusive interconnections, and opportunities for implementation. To generate clear and concrete recommendations for action, it was divided into three axes:
• Reflect on the urgent need for action to achieve a healthy planet and prosperity for all.
• Achieve a sustainable and inclusive recovery from the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic.
• Accelerate the implementation of the environmental dimension of sustainable development in the context of the decade of action and delivery for sustainable development.
The issue of world peace was treated as an essential framework for the achievement of sustainable development following SDG16 (Promote just, peaceful and inclusive societies).
In a nutshell, in an already unequal world, Stockholm+50 essentially gives us four broad opportunities.
• Rebuild relationships of trust to strengthen cooperation and solidarity.
• Accelerate system-wide actions to recover and move forward from the pandemic.
• Build bridges across all global agendas that affect our environment, economies and societies.
• Rethink the measures of progress and well-being to provide a new compass of collective well-being.
As a representative of Nideport, I am leaving this meeting with the conviction that we are on the right track because we promote good practices to achieve the use of natural resources and the use of alternative energies to reduce our environmental pollution and ecological footprint.
In the same way, we aim to develop technological projects related to the environment, that are replicable and scalable, and that have as amain objective the mitigation of the problems that affect vulnerable communities around the globe. We also provide technological solutions that make people aware, promote ecological habits and launch solidarity initiatives.
We strengthen awareness of the actions we carry out daily and their real impact on the environment. We get into action with solidarity activities, for the development of a better world for current and future generations. We establish collaborative alliances to develop early warning systems for environmental threats and to achieve preventive actions that allow mitigating damage in communities and vulnerable cities and promote a responsible coexistence with the environment.
The presence of Nideport at the UN constitutes a transcendental milestone in the consolidation of this organization at the global level for the achievement of the SDGs. And it reinforces the commitment assumed in pursuit of resolving the triple world crisis.
It is time to give nature a chance; it will recover and be our greatest ally.
Claudia R. Moray
UN-accredited on behalf of Nideport