March 12, 2025

Monitoring Plan Vida Nativa GS1, Community

ProgramTarget stakeholderMonitoring StrategyMonitoring MethodologyMonitoring FrequencyVariables measured during the monitoring period
Participative carbonAll communities in the project areaParticipatory management evaluation between the community, EPET N° 31 of Cruce Caballero, EP N° 482 of Cruce Caballero & and its cooperative, and the Recreational, Sports and Cultural Committee of Cruce Caballero. Satisfaction survey. Management evaluation with control group.Management assessment reports AnnualDifferent instances of communication implemented, with the first development projects defined and designed by the community; specific gender focus in the programs with more than 500 participants. Other indicators to be evaluated in due course:
1. Improvement in the quality of life of the population in the project’s area of influence.
2. Establishment of a culture of good participatory practices based on sustainability and equity.
3. Substantive participation of women.
4. Number of participants in general.
Ra ´ÿi  community orchardTekoa Alecrin Community1. Follow-up sheets
2. Field visits and visual records of progress.
3. Interviews with community leaders
4. Observation of tools and supplies transferred.
5. Brief survey
6. Satisfaction survey.
7. Evaluation of management with the control group.
Management evaluation with the community of Tekoa Alecrín AnnualProgram designed; budget allocated and Tekoa Alecrin community representative for the program assigned. Future indicators:
1. Increase in the number and variety of species cultivated. 2. Increase in the number of people working in the community orchards. 3. Increase in the size of community orchards.
4. Improved food security in the village.
5. Promotion of climate change adaptation in agricultural production.
ÓgaTekoa Alecrin CommunityAfter the construction of the housing modules, follow-up includes: maintenance of the houses; conditions of community housing; construction capacity acquired, and other indicators worked on. Satisfaction survey. Management evaluation with the control group.Management assessment with the Tokoa Alecrin community Annual1. Quantity and quality of the houses built. In process, 2 families will be the first defined beneficiaries
2. Capacities transmitted to the community in modular construction to date. Other indicators to be evaluated in due course:
1. Satisfaction of Tekoa Alecrin with the OGA project
2. Quantity and quality of the houses built.
3. Overcrowding in the houses.
4. Flooding or leaks in the houses built.
Nueva Esperanza CooperativeWomen at the CooperativeMonitoring will include analysis of equipment maintenance; in addition, the creation of monitoring tools to identify problems, and intermediate impacts of the program, including quantities and production time. Satisfaction survey.Cross-checking of Nideport and cooperative management reports on production, sales, needs and problems encountered during the period.Annual (in process)Equipment and training provided, impact assessment currently in place:
1. Increased production line speed.
2. Increased number of products manufactured
3. Adequate supply of the markets in which it operates
4. Opening of new markets
5. Increase in the cooperative’s profits 6. Strengthening of the gender perspective in agricultural production
Don Antonio: Native medicinal species nursery with an ecotourism and educational approach.All communities in the project areaAnalysis of management indicators. Satisfaction survey. Management evaluation with the control group.Management assessment reportsAnnual (non measurable)Program designed, managers recruited and first training underway
1. Number of medicinal plants in production.
2. Number of people who visited the nursery.
3. Number of plants produced in the nursery and used for reforestation.
4. Construction of a database on medicinal plants and their uses.
Activities in the project’s area of influenceAll communities in the project areaAnalysis of management indicators. Satisfaction survey. Management evaluation with the control group.Management assessment reportsAnnual (non measurable)1. Measurement of training for on-site work activities.
2. Measurement of gender safeguards. 3. Measurement of non-discrimination safeguards.
4. Number of people with job opportunities. First activities conducted with 5 long-term workers from Forestal Belga facilities;); first job interviews conducted within the community;
5. Number of people trained: 100 participants.
6. Participation rate of local communities. 50% of positions filled by local communities, including positions of responsibility for the area, such as field manager.